People wonder why I love Pickleball so much. One reason is It gives people an outlet to stay healthy and active in spite of serious physical limitations.
I’ve played with organ transplant recipients, a lefty with severe Parkinson’s disease, a gastric cancer survivor who doesn’t have a stomach anymore, athletes in chronic pain from various diseases and injuries and that’s just scratching the surface
A brain cancer survivor who showed me a photo of his brain scan that had a large dark spot after his recent brain surgery. His slight limp while playing was hardly noticeable. With tears in his eyes he told me how grateful he is that he found Jesus and Pickleball
.“Pickleball helps keep me sober” Has been said to me more than once, and I feel the same way.
A bone Cancer survivor told me he beat Cancer twice and had an artificial hip and severely limited mobility. He was afraid to run and wasn't sure he could. Not only can he run, but he can win. He won 12-10 on his second day of playing Pickleball.
Many people play Pickleball because it’s fun and they love to compete. Others play because it keeps them healthy. Some of us play because it changed our life. All of those reasons apply to me. It is my therapy, my healthy outlet, my favorite thing.